The coconut tree grows from a single seed, which is an entire coconut, taking between 3 and 8 years to bear fruit, and living between 60 and 100 years. Each coconut takes almost a year to develop from a flower into a fruit. Coconut is an important fruit in many parts of the world though humans are one of the few species that actually make use of them. Its structure protects it from hungry animals and protects the embryo on long ocean journeys, keeping out salt water and preserving the seed for up to three months at sea.
Coconuts are a natural product which are in season all year long. They grow in bunches of 5 to 20 drupes and a new bunch begins to grow every month, meaning a coconut palm can produce about 100-200 coconuts a year.
The word “coconut” comes from Spanish “coco” meaning skull or scary face because of the 3 pores (or 3 eyes) making the little face on each and every coconut shell.
Botanically, the coconut palm is not a tree since there is no bark, no branches or secondary growth. A coconut palm is a woody perennial monocotyledon with the trunk being the stem.
Just like any other plant, a coconut has a life cycle. Let’s take a look at such wonderful circle of life.
A coconut palm reaching maturity will sprout several coconuts at a time. Over almost 12 months, the nut grows heavier and heavier until eventually falling to the ground or being picked down for planting.
Coconut seeds, like other horticultural life forms, need to germinate in order to grow into new plants. This entails the nut falling to the ground and being buried, similar to how seeds would be planted on a field. A coconut seed can take up to 9 months before it starts to sprout. Once several weeks have passed, the outer shell and husk of the nut splits apart, and the root bursts out.
A coconut that has sprouted will continue to grow at a quickened pace. Over a few months, a coconut’s sprout with reach 60 – 100 centimeters. The sprout’s trunk will also increase in diameter and become thicker.
A coconut palm typically takes 3 or 6 years before it starts flowering. The trees can be classified according to the size and stature of the palm and referred to as Talls and Dwarfs. They are also monoecious. In other words, they consist of male and female flowers on the same inflorescence that develops within a woody spathe. The Talls are approximately 8 meters tall, although some trees can grow to be 20 meters or more. The Dwarfs can be just 2 – 3 meters tall when producing fruits. The tree will also grow about 30 leaves, which grow in layers. Old layers on the bottom fall off, while new layers develop on top to maintain the umbrella shape.
After 3 to 6 years, flowers begin to grow from the tree tops. The flowers cluster together near where the leaves cluster. The flowers eventually produce fruits, more coconuts, after about 9 months. Once the nuts mature, they drop to the ground, and the cycle restarts.